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While some of our apps are free, to access additional content you will need to purchase seats for our experiences using a Killer Snails Account. That account can create a personal or classroom experience.

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How do I buy multiple seat subscriptions?

  • Multiple seat subscriptions can be purchased the same way as the single seat subscriptions above. If you are looking to purchase for more than one classroom (~25+ seats), please contact us by our Contact Form.

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Yes, here are a few grants that can be used:

  • Bank of America Foundation — This foundation funds education with an emphasis on K-12, including after-school programs, early childhood development, English as a second language, financial literacy and youth mentoring programs.
  • Computers for Learning — This program donates surplus federal computer equipment to schools and educational non-profits, giving special consideration to those with the greatest need.
  • George Lucas Educational Foundation — Although not a source for funding, this sites contains a myriad of sites and sources of information about grants.
  • Grants Information Collection — The University of Wisconsin maintains a comprehensive site with grant resources.
  • Killer Snails is under contract with BOCES affiliated institutions - check with your BOCES!

Killer Snails Accounts Management

Using Your Killer Snails Accounts

Standards Alignment

BioDive is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. You can view the BioDive Lesson Plan (middle school) or BioDive Lesson Plan (high school) for more details on which standards are addressed.

WaterWays is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards:

Science & Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Idea Crosscutting Concepts
  • Developing and Using Models
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Data
  • Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
  • Engaging in Argument from Evidence
  • Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
  • LS1.A Structure and Function
  • LS2.A Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
  • LS2.B Matter and Energy Transfer in Ecosystems
  • LS2.C Ecosystem Dynamics, Functioning, and Resilience
  • LS4.D Biodiversity and Humans
  • ETS1.A Defining Engineering Problems
  • ETS1.B Designing Solutions to Engineering Problems
  • ETS1.C Optimizing the Design Solution
  • ESS2.A Earth Materials and Systems
  • ESS3.B Natural Hazards
  • ESS3.C Human Impacts on Earth Systems
  • Systems and System Models
  • Cause and Effect
  • Patterns
  • Energy and Matter
  • Scale Proportion and Quantity

  • Connections to Excellence in Environmental Education - Guidelines for Learning (K-12)

    • Strand 1 (Analysis and Interpretation Skills): A, B, C, E, F, G
    • Strand 2 (Environmental Processes and Systems): 2.1 A, B. 2.2 A, C, D. 2.3 A, B, D, 2.4 A, E
    • Strand 3 (Skills for Understanding and Addressing Environmental Issues): 3.1 A, B, C, 3.2 A, B, C, D
    • Strand 4 (Personal and Civic Responsibility): B, C

    Still have questions?

    If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us on our Contact page